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Sweetest Poison

For most of us the word "sweetest poison" means toxic relationships which abuse your love , care, confidence and give heartache till rest of your life . Sometimes, the person who is victim of sweet poison became a person of negativity and loveless stone. For an optimistic, he/she will feel their mistakes and move on with their lesson they learned from that relationship .   I am approaching the sweetest poison in a different way, which we are going to read in this blog. In my mind of thought, sweetest poison represent the love and friendship which may reciprocate our love and care or not. My sweetest poison kills the expectation to the being of loving and cared. It also rejects the thought of self-love and self-care. It may see as positivity on one side , but the person who only love others cannot be lived in the house of happiness . He/She became dark who can produce the lightness to others. Without the darkness , there is no light . The person who

To the Love – I Once Had

Love is an extraordinary feeling which is healthy and necessary for everyone to have until their life ends. It is one of the things which makes you feel alive.

Love is the most definite form of emotion and attachment towards someone or something. The most mysterious thing is everyone loves something, not everything. Love itself like water, how water presents in many forms such as pond, stream, sea, etc. Love also have many forms such as love towards mother, wife, food, nature, etc., everything is different from each other.

Love from the heart never decays it lives until the memories of the love lives. We survive in this world only because we have or had someone to love. I had once true love, which gave a lot of memories to cherish. My love had left this world but never from my heart and memories I remembered.

That love stayed with me for some years, made me responsible, and taught me to share and give love rather than only take it. It made me feel alive and gave me something to hold when I thought I will fall. That love is the treasure that I lost before I know the value of it.

The greatest gift of my life is taken away from me. The world’s cruelest punishment is taking love from one's life and also made to see others have their love with them. I am the most unfortunate guy in this world, as I know I cannot have that love on anyone and any more.

I sometimes live in the pain of lost love, but now I move on with the scar that it left me. The person you love give them love out of the heart and not from the brain. The love I once had will still be staying in the dark.

For you, I want to tell is never to leave the loved one alone as they are only ones who can be trusted, share, and live together. If you love someone, always give respect and love from the heart. If you love your parents, make them your eyes, they will show the right things to you. If you love your siblings, give your hands to them, they will never make you fell until you leave them. If you love your spouse or girlfriend, give your hearts to them as they are the only ones to know how to make it beat every single moment. If you love your friends, there is nothing to provide but only to share trust and love.
                                                                                                - Krishna


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