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Sweetest Poison

For most of us the word "sweetest poison" means toxic relationships which abuse your love , care, confidence and give heartache till rest of your life . Sometimes, the person who is victim of sweet poison became a person of negativity and loveless stone. For an optimistic, he/she will feel their mistakes and move on with their lesson they learned from that relationship .   I am approaching the sweetest poison in a different way, which we are going to read in this blog. In my mind of thought, sweetest poison represent the love and friendship which may reciprocate our love and care or not. My sweetest poison kills the expectation to the being of loving and cared. It also rejects the thought of self-love and self-care. It may see as positivity on one side , but the person who only love others cannot be lived in the house of happiness . He/She became dark who can produce the lightness to others. Without the darkness , there is no light . The person who

Akshaya's Thoughts - Confidence

This is  “Akshaya's Thoughts”  blog where you can learn the experience from her life through her thoughts. Blogs are usually used to express ideas of authors in various fields in which this one helps every person to achieve something in there life. This Writer's Spot is proud to introduce our new author Akshaya Priya. Let’s we go to today's topic "Confidence".


Confidence is certainly the most important factor which adds to the personality of any individual. A person's confidence might go down due to mistakes, failure, guilty or any other thing which is undesirable. Some people often develop inferiority complex due to their physical appearance, caste, financial status etc such people perceive confidence as their weakness, while the truth is that confidence is an individual's biggest strength. 

 Your confidence reflects your character, attitude and passion. You should be confident about who you are and whatever you do. Being confident will help you to express yourself and stand among the crowd.

How to be Confident

 Focus on your achievements rather than on your failures. If you do find yourself thinking about how you failed then look at what you managed to do right and how you could improve the outcome the next time. this change in attitude makes you more positive and that outlook will change how you cope with all the challenges you face.

Set reachable goals for yourself and break difficult tasks into smaller steps. You will be able to believe that you can achieve your larger goals, and then you can see the clear steps towards it and know that you can be successful by taking these smaller steps. 

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