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Sweetest Poison

For most of us the word "sweetest poison" means toxic relationships which abuse your love , care, confidence and give heartache till rest of your life . Sometimes, the person who is victim of sweet poison became a person of negativity and loveless stone. For an optimistic, he/she will feel their mistakes and move on with their lesson they learned from that relationship .   I am approaching the sweetest poison in a different way, which we are going to read in this blog. In my mind of thought, sweetest poison represent the love and friendship which may reciprocate our love and care or not. My sweetest poison kills the expectation to the being of loving and cared. It also rejects the thought of self-love and self-care. It may see as positivity on one side , but the person who only love others cannot be lived in the house of happiness . He/She became dark who can produce the lightness to others. Without the darkness , there is no light . The person who

God Beyond Religions - Son of God

This is our new blog titled  "God Beyond Religions". In this blog, we will explore the path of gods, messengers, gurus, messiah and prophets in this earthly life. This blog was specially made those kind of people who can grasp the knowledge from other religious texts. In my point of view, the religions are like rivers and we are riding in it, but all rivers join in the great mighty Ocean of God. When we know the flow of the river and behave as god expects, then we can reach his feet to get an eternal life.

Son of God

As the title suggests this blog is about Jesus of Nazareth, and we got the perfect time of Easter Sunday to release this blog. As Jesus is again reborn in the hearts of people, let's see about what he gave humanity.

A single ray of light, can vanish the entire darkness which depicts the look from the eye of Jesus. Jesus is the person, by whom I am inspired very much and he is believed to be the Son of God, but not because of his miracles but instead of his prayers, acts and sacrifice for the people of the world. He always depicted a form of Mercy and forgave all the sins of the people.


We the people of earth, always wanted to live in this false world, even when god comes to save us, we don't like this and rather we will testify him whether he is god or not. God sent many messengers, prophets and gurus not to tell that he is there, but instead to take ourselves to the heights of god easily. But we people, always do the same mistake by making them a superior in this earth and spoiling their purpose in this world. If we listen to their words and follow their path, then we can be a greater version of ourselves.

Beginning of Journey

Jesus was born to Mary, wife of Joseph. Jesus was brought up as a Carpenter and he also did the job very well. At age of 30, he decided to start his journey. He wanted to get baptized from John the Baptist. Baptism was a rite performed with the water which will purify the soul and make them to follow the path of God. John performed baptism on every person who wanted to follow the path of god.  John always spoke about the messiah who was going to bring the prosperous to this earth and forgive the sins of all people. Suddenly, Jesus appears and asks him to baptize him. John was frozen as he wanted to get baptized by him and he cannot baptize him. For that Jesus told all are decisions of god which cannot be changed. When John accepted  it and baptized him, the holy spirit from the heaven shined on Jesus and the dove which is a form of peace sat on his head. From the heavens, God declared Jesus as the Son of God. 

Then he continued his journey in the wilderness, where Satan tempted him with 3 acts which is most thought evoking part for myself. Jesus was fasting for 40 long days and tired of walking in the desert. During his journey, the Satan showed illusions of food, kingship and even whole world will be given to him, if he accepts and surrender to him. But Jesus with a weak body but strength in his soul raised the voice against him and told that he is only servant of his father and never will testify his father at any cost. This is the place where Jesus proved Strength of his faith. Then  Jesus continued his journey and reached the sea shores.

Jesus's Mission

Jesus took the mission to forgive all the sins of the people for that he must crucify him, so that the sins of all people will be forgiven by the Holy Father. There was a belief in the Christianity that when a holy person had been crucified for no sins, then the world will be washed out from the sins. This was the ultimate goal of the Jesus to wipe out the disciples of Satan such as disease, selfishness, wickedness, cruelty, anger, etc., Jesus was the form of peace and love, and of knowledge and grace. Many believed in him and follow his path to attain Salvation, in which his twelve disciples were the one to first follow his path with him.


In his paradise, all were given that asked, all doors were opened when knocked, all wishes were fulfilled. He did many miracles but  people didn't understand one thing that miracles are done not to make them believe but to prove how powerful was them to perform the miracles. Jesus turned wine to water, stones to breads, gave vision to blind, make dead to live, etc., Beyond all this he was ready to sacrifice himself for the welfare of the people. All his followers praised him as a King of Israel , great Lord and many names were given. At the same time he faced many hurdles in his path , some people showed hatred toward him but he even preached to love enemies. He was cursed some times for no reasons by people. Jesus prayed and cried, as the temple of his father became the merchandise and money became the powerful thing. Jesus was strong in his mind, he did not take the praises and curses to his heart rather wanted to be the Servant of his God.

The Final Journey 

Jesus started his journey at the age of 30 and his missions were completed in three years, this may be less time but power in his eyes and words attracted people as a magnet attracts the iron. All became his followers and reached Jerusalem with him. At Jerusalem , the followers of Moses devised a plan to kill Jesus. They used Judas, one of his followers as a traitor to capture Jesus. He did it just for thirty pieces of Silver coins. Many people were frustrated by his new way of Teaching. The plan worked out and Jesus was captured by the them. They brought him to court of Rome, where he spoke nothing and also the king didn't not accept to crucify him. When priests and people wanted him dead, then he left it to other high priests and said that the reason for the blood of this innocent man will not be accounted on him. Jesus with the crown of thorns on his head, walked to the mountains. He was nailed at his hands and legs. He was put on the cross, and some people laughed and some cried. At that time also, Jesus asked his Father, " Forgive the sins of people who did for they didn't know what they are doing".

The man who did no sins but accepted the pain of sufferers. Some think he is god so he can' feel the sufferings, but when god himself takes human form then there are certain laws to be followed in which pain is also included. When he was suffering in the cross then all people crowded in with his disciples but did not have strength to help him. He was crossed paths with two robbers, in which one was sad about Jesus and asked him to remember his name when Jesus entered the paradise. Jesus replied that all his sins will be forgiven and he will be come with him to paradise. It so happened that  the three hours he suffered from pain in the cross, whole world was spread by the darkness. He promised to his disciples that he will return after three days of his death.


His body was sealed in a cave by the priest, but as Jesus had said, on the third day, the holy spirit broke the cave and then Jesus emerged as the same as before. Later he showed his presence to his disciples and asked them to preach everywhere and break the rule that only higher people was eligible to preach and prove that the person with the God's Grace can also preach. He sent disciples in every direction and spread the grace of the Almighty. The word believe can only be felt. I believe in God and in all of them. It is not because of miracles but something in me is making me to feel the grace of god. I am just the pen in his hand and he is using me to write everything. When you don't take the responsibility and accountability, only then you completely surrender to him, then he will shower the graces on you. He may have several names but we are his children and he may have anger on us but never fails to love us. I believe, now it is your turn to take rebirth of your soul with new energy and thoughts. Just say his name and start a life as he expected. 


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